Is It Possible to Lose Weight Without Exercise and Diet?
1 year ago
Losing weight without exercise and diet is no longer a dream. Bariatric surgery is now coming to the rescue of those who want to lose weight without doing sports and diet. In bariatric surgery, there are operative and non-surgical options. In this article, we will briefly share information on how you can lose weight without sports and diet with bariatric surgery methods.

Obesity is the biggest problem today. As it is known, obesity not only hinders people's quality of life and living a comfortable life, but also is a trigger for the formation of many patients. Obesity is the main cause of many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, bone and joint diseases. According to studies on obesity, it has been determined that obesity reduces a person's life expectancy.

For a healthy and longer life, it is necessary to accept that excess weight is a problem and to realize how important it is to solve this problem.

Many of us apply to sports and diet programs to get rid of excess weight. However, these programs are subjects that require patience and stability. At the slightest slack or break, failure is inevitable. And although many people try many times, they cannot achieve the success they aim for. At this point, bariatric surgery offers you opportunities to achieve the results you want.

It is divided into two on the basis of bariatric surgery. Surgical weight loss methods and non-surgical weight loss methods. In the determination of these methods, after the control of a doctor who is an expert in the field, which method will make you successful is determined and you lose weight within a program.

What are the Weight Loss Methods with Surgery?

Tube Stomach Surgery, Gastric By-Pass Surgery and Diabetes Surgery are the most common methods of weight loss with surgery.

What are Non-Surgical Weight Loss Methods?

Gastric Balloons (Endoscopic and Swallowable Gastric Balloon), Gastric Bands and Gastric Botox are the most common non-surgical weight loss methods.

In this article, we would like to talk about the swallowable gastric balloon, which is often preferred by people who do not want to have surgery in today's conditions.

What is a Swallowable Gastric Balloon? How Will You Lose Weight?

The swallowable gastric balloon is a gastric balloon from Allurion Brand. Endoscopy is not required for the balloon to be placed in the stomach. The deflated form of the balloon is the size of an antibiotic and is swallowed with the help of a glass of water and placed in the stomach. It is a 15-minute procedure in total and no anesthesia is applied during this period. The person is awake. It does not feel any pain.

To talk about the two most successful features of the Allurion Gastric Balloon.

  • The balloon placed in the stomach deflates on its own after 16 weeks and is expelled from the body naturally. The inserted balloon does not need to be removed by endoscopic means.
  • The outer surface of the Allurion Gastric balloon is not silicone like other balloons. The food you eat after balloon placement does not stick to the outer surface of the balloon and does not cause bad breath.

How Does a Gastric Balloon Lose Weight? Is the weight lost permanent?

The main purpose of all gastric balloons is to occupy space in the stomach and to induce a feeling of satiety. After your gastric balloon placement, your food portions become smaller and you eat less. This will start your weight loss process. Thanks to the gastric balloon, your natural diet program begins.

Another purpose of the gastric balloon is to regulate your eating habits and enable you to gain a new eating habit. After the gastric balloon is expelled from your body, your weight loss will become permanent thanks to these nutritional habits you will gain.

The Allurion Elipse Gastric balloon is presented to you with a smart scale and a smart watch. (We recommend that you be careful with those who try to sell these products to you separately.) In addition, free dietitian support is provided for 6 months. In the Allurion weight loss program, the person is followed remotely by dietitians with the help of a smart scale and smart watch after gastric balloon placement. And the person is supported in the weight loss process. Weight loss results are ensured to become permanent.

Can't you get results by doing sports and diet? Have you tried a wide variety of herbal products and programs and were unsuccessful? Are you afraid of having surgery? Here is the new generation non-surgical and non-endoscopy weight loss method Allurion Smart Gastric Balloon.

Try it and share your results with us.