Gastric Sleeve Surgery

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Gastric Sleeve Surgery

What is Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
One of the most commonly performed surgical procedures for people with obesity problems is sleeve gastrectomy surgery and is commonly known as "gastric reduction surgery".
In sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the stomach is made into a long, thin tube similar to a banana. 80% of the stomach is cut and removed laparoscopically, that is, by closed surgery. After the stomach reduction procedure, the food intake of the stomach is restricted. In addition, sleeve gastrectomy surgery has an effect on reducing food absorption.
The appetite of those who have gastric sleeve surgery decreases. In addition, insulin resistance is broken without even weight loss. This is an important achievement.

How Long Does Gastric Sleeve Surgery Take?
Gastric sleeve surgery is performed in 1.5-2 hours on average. Since the exit and entrance section of the stomach is preserved and the continuity in the digestive system is maintained, the risks after sleeve gastrectomy surgery are low and some undesirable side effects are reported very little.

What Is The Commonly Performed Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric sleeve surgery is the most commonly performed gastric sleeve surgery with proven effectiveness and low risk. The medical name of sleeve gastrectomy, which has a 20-year history, is sleeve gastrectomy.
The other type of stomach reduction surgery performed today is 'gastric bypass' surgery. However, gastric bypass is preferred only in special cases; In cases where type 2 diabetes is at the forefront and insulin use is old, and especially in people with a very high body mass index, gastric bypass method may be the first choice of surgery.
In addition, gastric bypass method can be applied as the second operation method in patients who have had gastric sleeve surgery before and gain weight again.

Who Can Be Applied With Gastric Sleeve Surgery To Lose Weight?
!!!Those who have sleeve gastrectomy surgery must meet the following conditions:
Those with a body mass index over 40 kg/m² (morbidly obese, that is, severely obese).
Those who have a body mass index of 35-40 and have problems such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, and sleep apnea due to obesity are considered morbidly obese and may need to undergo gastric reduction surgery.
In addition, patients with obesity-related "new" type 2 diabetes and metabolism disorders and a body mass index between 30 and 35 can be operated with the decision of the obesity doctor.
Obesity surgeries are not performed for aesthetic purposes, that is, to make the person look weaker.
Is There Any Age Range for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Gastric sleeve gastrectomy surgery can be performed on people between the ages of 18-65. In order for the person to be a suitable candidate for gastric surgery, the Body Mass Index values determined by the World Health Organization must be 35 and above.

For people under the age of 18, the presence of the above-mentioned diseases along with the degree of obesity is important, and parental approval is required as well as the physician's decision.
For people over the age of 65, the health status and the necessity of surgery (the person's weight-related problems and problems) are evaluated.

What is Revision Surgery? Who is it recommended for?
Revision surgeries are surgeries performed due to different complications such as weight regain, stenosis or leakage after obesity surgery. The most important reason for revision surgeries is usually weight gain.
The basis of the reasons for patients to gain weight back is the insufficient follow-up of the patients, insufficient information of the patients or failure to comply with the process even if they are conscious. For these reasons, 20-30% weight gain can be seen in patients.
It is very important to choose the revision surgeries applied to the patients well. These surgeries are technically more difficult and must be performed by experienced surgeons. Today, with the increase in the number of obesity surgeries, revision surgeries have also increased.
There are types of surgery recommended for patients with recurrent co-morbidities such as diabetes, high blood pressure or regaining weight. The most accurate type of surgery is decided after an evaluation by interviewing the patient.

How is Gastric Sleeve Surgery Performed?
Gastric sleeve surgery is performed laparoscopically, that is, by piercing the abdomen, with very small incisions in today's technology. These incisions are millimetric.
This method, called closed surgery, can also be performed with a 'da Vinci robot', that is, robotic surgery. In robotic surgery, the doctor who controls the arms of the robot and the specialists accompanying him perform the surgery.

How long does it take to return to normal after Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Since the abdominal muscles and membranes are not cut in laparoscopic surgeries, there is no serious pain after the surgery. Postoperative painkillers are given to the patient.
Those with tube stomach start walking in the evening of the day of surgery and usually do not have serious pain on the second day. The patient may have a feeling of tension and pressure on the first day, which is relieved with painkillers. Patients are usually discharged on the 3rd day and rest.

Is There Any Scar After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Since the surgery is performed with a closed method, only very small incision scars remain in the abdomen. These lines become completely invisible in a few months.

How Much Weight Loss Those Who Have Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
For those who have sleeve gastrectomy surgery, a rapid weight loss process begins and they lose 60 percent of their excess weight in a short time. This method is almost as effective as gastric bypass for weight loss. Since malabsorption is less than bypass, continuous vitamin and mineral support is required after sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Gastric sleeve surgery loses its effect in the long term and if weight is gained, gastric bypass is preferred as the next surgical method.

Can Weight Gain Again After Surgery?
The rate of regaining weight after sleeve gastrectomy surgery is around 15%. It is even possible to become morbidly obese again with a probability of 5-10% despite the operation. For this reason, close follow-up of the patient by specialists is of great importance in order to prevent those who have had sleeve gastrectomy surgery from gaining weight again.

Those who have gastric sleeve surgery are closely followed by the obesity team, which includes dietitians and psychologists. With this approach, which aims to follow the patient for life, support is provided against situations that may cause the patient to gain weight or affect his health.

What is the Difference Between Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass? Which Is Superior?
Gastric bypass surgery is a type of surgery that is performed especially in patients with severe diabetes for many years and in patients with very serious wounds (reflux) in the esophagus. Gastric bypass surgery, which has a history of about 20 years in our country, has left its place to sleeve gastrectomy surgeries.

One of the important reasons for the spread of sleeve gastrectomy is the anatomical structure. In gastric bypass surgery, the stomach is reduced, the gallbladder and intestinal branches are replaced, and the patient's food intake is restricted. In the tube stomach, a part of the stomach, including the part where the hunger hormones are secreted, is removed, no changes are made in the intestines, the anatomical structure does not change.

If the patients are not followed well after both surgeries and do not receive supportive treatment, weight gain can occur at a rate of 15%. At the point of weight gain, it is possible to revise and repeat sleeve gastrectomy surgeries, but gastric bypass cannot be repeated because it changes the anatomical structure.

Ulcer in the stomach-jejunum junction, risk of entanglement in the intestines, etc. While there are complications specific to gastric bypass, such as gastric bypass, the complication rate in sleeve gastrectomy is very low. In addition, diarrhea, vitamin & mineral and protein deficiencies are seen at a higher rate after gastric bypass surgery compared to sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

What are the Risks of Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
Although very rarely, life-threatening complications may develop in gastric reduction surgeries. These interventions can cause complications such as bleeding or leakage after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, which can be observed in 1% of cases, but can threaten the life of the patient if they occur. The important thing is that if these complications occur, they should be understood immediately and the necessary corrections should be implemented immediately by the surgical team.

Gastric sleeve surgery is major surgery, that is, major surgery. As with all other major surgical operations, there are various risks after surgery. The risks of gastric sleeve surgery increase as the patient's age and weight increase.

However, when we consider the risks of sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery, the risk of death is one of the least likely surgeries. This risk is as much as gallbladder surgery.

According to scientific studies, the risks of appendicitis and gallbladder surgery in obese people are slightly higher than in thin people. However, this risk does not mean death. For example, while the mortality rate in the early period is around 2 percent in cardiovascular surgery, it is 1 in a thousand in gastric reduction surgery.

Before sleeve gastrectomy, patients are informed in detail about these risks by doctors in hospitals performing sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Obesity surgeries are not surgeries performed for aesthetic purposes! Since the life expectancy of morbidly obese patients is shortened by 10-15 years due to obesity, the risks related to obesity are much higher than the risks of sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

Risks related to other health problems, such as fatty liver, risk of kidney diseases, sugar or high blood pressure, are eliminated in morbidly obese people who have gastric sleeve surgery. Therefore, gastric reduction surgery is an operation that is not only risky but also reduces the risk of other surgeries.

The Risk of Leakage and Symptoms of Leakage After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
After obesity surgeries, patients are given a radio-opaque liquid by mouth and it is checked whether there is any leakage in the stomach. All patients are followed very closely while they are in the hospital for the first 3 days after surgery.

Those who have sleeve gastrectomy or gastric bypass surgery should pay attention to the following two points in order to understand leaks after discharge:

Unexplained fever and new onset abdominal pain.

Against the risk of leakage after sleeve gastrectomy; All patients who experience fever or abdominal pain after discharge should consult their doctor immediately.

Nutrition After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
In the success of gastric surgery, it is of great importance that the patient adopts a new lifestyle, follows the diet program created in cooperation with metabolism and endocrinology specialists, and regularly uses nutritional, vitamin and mineral supplements if necessary.

Although a special program is created for each patient, the following principles are important in nutrition after sleeve gastrectomy surgery:

Protein will be the most important nutrient in your diet from now on. You'll need to get about 60g of protein per day (like 1 serving of chicken, turkey, fish, or 1 serving of low-fat cheese).

Take great care not to skip meals. Consume at least 3 main meals a day. In addition, it would be appropriate to consume 2 snacks. Thus, you do not overload your stomach and help your metabolism work faster.

After sleeve gastrectomy, always eat your meals at the table by setting a table. Allocate at least half an hour for main meals. Never eat on kitchen counters, in front of the TV or computer.

Prepare your meals both in small portions and in small portions. Use small plates and small cutlery to avoid overeating. Eat your food very slowly and chew it thoroughly. Do not keep serving dishes and pots on the table and never take the second portion.

Drink at least 6 to 8 glasses of decaffeinated, calorie-free and still non-carbonated beverages per day. Do not drink anything half an hour before meals. Thus, you will prevent your stomach from getting nauseous.

Take the vitamins and minerals recommended by the doctor following you after sleeve gastrectomy surgery regularly. Do not use any other medication or dietary supplement without asking him or her.

Exercise After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
It is known that adopting a regular sports program under the supervision of experts plays a role in the success of bariatric surgeries and accelerates recovery. However, it may not be easy to adopt such a program for people who have not had the habit of exercising before. It can be easier to gain the habit of doing sports as the extra weight is lost and the person does the exercises he likes.

Although a special program is created for each patient, the following principles are important in doing sports after stomach surgery.

Never start exercising without your doctor's approval. And tell him about all the exercises you plan to do.

Exercise 3 months after the surgery, start doing it slowly and never do different exercises or movements for longer than recommended for the fear of losing weight fast.

The most ideal type of exercise for you in the early period will be walking. Take care to walk for the time and pace recommended by your doctor and exercise consultant.

After the surgery, if your doctor approves (usually within 6 weeks), avoid abdominal movements and weight lifting.

Choose the exercises you love. Try to combine the types of exercises that will improve both your muscle and bone structure and also increase your fitness.

Swimming and fitness are extremely ideal exercises. If you have the opportunity to do these, tell your exercise counselor about it and ask him to create a program that includes them for you.

Are Vitamin and Mineral Supplements Taken After Gastric Sleeve Surgery?
After gastric sleeve surgery, the use of multivitamins is taken as dissolving in the mouth for the first month, 2 times a day for the next year, and once a day after the first year. The blood values of patients who have gastric sleeve surgery and gastric bypass surgery are followed up at regular intervals by doctors in hospitals performing bariatric surgery.

After gastric sleeve surgery, all patients are followed by nutritionists and dieticians.

Those who have sleeve gastrectomy can switch to solid foods after 1 month. A protein-heavy diet is preferred because patients are full of small portions. This process is also followed by dietitians.

Foods such as carbohydrates, bread, pasta, rice should be avoided.

Those who have sleeve gastrectomy should do sports regularly, eat small meals frequently and little by little, and stay away from calorie liquid foods.

If the nutritional rules are violated after sleeve gastrectomy surgery, the desired success from the operation cannot be achieved.

Sports After Gastric Sleeve Surgery
After sleeve gastrectomy, sports are recommended by experts after the first 3 months.

As patients lose weight after surgery, they move more easily, their lungs relax and the lungs allow the person to exert better effort, the condition increases, and the risk of injury decreases with the loss of weight.

Sports, especially fitness and swimming are recommended for the development of striated muscles after the first three months of sleeve gastrectomy surgery.

How Should Nutrition Be Before Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Patients should minimize their carbohydrate intake 1 week before the surgery and should eat a protein-based diet.

Why is Turkey Preferred for Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Turkey is a country specialized in bariatric surgery, with doctors experienced in bariatric surgery for more than 20 years. It also has many technologically equipped hospitals. Your surgery is performed by specialist doctors and healthcare professionals with state-of-the-art devices and equipment in completely hygienic and comfortable operating rooms.

How Long Do I Have To Be In Turkey For Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

For gastric sleeve surgery, you need to stay in Turkey for an average of 7-8 days. 2-3 days of hospitalization and 3-4 days of rest and patient follow-up is sufficient time.

I've Decided to Have Gastric Sleeve Surgery, What Should I Do?

Please contact us from the price section on our website or through our communication channels. Our expert operations center will provide your entire organization for your stay in Turkey.

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