Continuous Embryo Monitoring Method ( Embryoscope )

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Continuous Embryo Monitoring Method ( Embryoscope )

Continuous Embryo Monitoring Method ( Embryoscope )

Embryoscope , also known as the Continuous Tracking System of Embryos?

Normally, while developing embryos , devices containing a special mixture, which we call incubators, are used . These devices mimic an environment consisting of a mixture of carbon dioxide, oxygen, and nitrogen. The task of these devices is to imitate the mother's uterus. It is aimed to develop embryos at 37 degrees heat. In addition to these, the embryoscope records images of developing embryos every 20 minutes. This is called time lapse ; that is, it enables simultaneous image and video recording. With this technology, there is a chance to constantly monitor and observe the development of the embryo moment by moment.

Embryoscope ?

Embryoscope is used in selected cases. The decision is made based on the patient's condition. Embryo development can be followed closely with an embryoscope in people who have previously had recurrent pregnancy losses, who cannot achieve pregnancy despite many in vitro fertilization treatments, whose embryo quality is not well developed, and who have problems in other applications .

Genetic Diseases and Embryo Selection

Is it possible to choose a healthy embryo in genetic diseases?

We need to see fertilization that starts with two nuclei from a mother and a father . We cannot always see that fertilization is abnormal in incubators . But with the embryoscope , we have the chance to observe very small abnormalities, the pause in development during cell division or its resumption, and sometimes the abnormalities of the nuclear structures. Here are the findings showing that the embryo is also genetically abnormal. Although it does not enable us to choose a 100% normal embryo, it has a very high contribution to choosing the normal embryo.

In this way, you can also eliminate some familial diseases, right?

We cannot eliminate some of the genetic diseases. Unfortunately, in diseases that we call a single gene, even if the development of the embryo is good, the transmission of this disease can occur. However, in anomalies involving numerical anomalies of the chromosome or anomalies reflected in embryo development , we can rule them out thanks to the embryoscope.

Embryologists are the unsung heroes of IVF. Are there embryologists who analyze the embryos and evaluate the data of the embryoscope?

It is embryologists who choose both the developmental anomalies in the embryoscope and the normal one and decide on the transfer of the best embryo to the mother's womb. At the same time, while excluding the abnormalities created by the sperm in patients with sperm DNA damage, embryologists are the ones who decide to choose the better embryo by using an embryoscope.

Monitoring Embryo Development

How are embryos monitored? How many embryos can be tracked in a day by the embryo tracking system? And when does it offer you these reports?

Embryoscope monitoring starts from the moment we do the microinjection, that is, from the moment we combine the sperm with the egg. The embryoscope is constantly taking photos every 20 minutes to create a video. It also gives us the chance to watch these photos as a video recording by going back and checking them every second we want. We can follow the development of the embryo on the 2nd day, on the 3rd day, on the 4th day, and even up to the 5th and 6th days. Therefore, this video becomes a system that allows us to follow up on changing days for each patient. With special programs, we can connect from our mobile phones to our computers at home and follow the current development of a patient when we want.

To what extent has the success rate of IVF increased thanks to the continuous embryo tracking system?

Embryo quality is a situation that has a very high impact. If you can transfer 2 embryos, it provides a 70 percent chance of success for a patient. This is a pretty high rate. Still at 50 percent for the 3rd day. When we transfer the embryo on the 3rd day, it means that we are 1-2 days behind in terms of the continuity of the embryo. But when you transfer 1 or 2 good quality embryos that have reached the blastoist stage on the 5th day, we have a chance to talk about a 70 percent chance of success for a patient.

Embryo Freezing

When the embryo, sperm or egg is frozen, the person's biggest concern is 'what if my embryo gets mixed up with someone else'. What kind of security systems are there about it?

Chip electronic systems are available. These security systems; systems that can be applied to the patient's wrist, semen container or culture tooth where the embryo develops. In these systems , the chips are matched with each other and patient safety is ensured. The system is controlled by computer with special programs.

How is the embryo frozen? To whom is it recommended?

Today, the freezing process is done with the method we call vitrification , with chemical solutions that provide protection when the embryo is frozen. Freezing of the embryo takes place by a method called very rapid vitrification, that is, vitrification . The embryo can be stored for years in liquid nitrogen at minus 196 degrees. Even if it is stored for 20 years, there is a possibility of obtaining successful results.

Let's say a 39-40 year old woman came and froze her egg, can a woman become a mother when she turns 58 or 60?

Theoretically, as long as she has a uterus and does not have any other abnormality related to the uterus, the mother can conceive in her later years with her embryo, which is still frozen.

Can she give birth normally?

Normal delivery is not recommended at that age; because now some health problems such as diabetes and blood pressure begin. In fact, the implementation of this theoretical situation in practice naturally becomes more difficult due to these health problems.

Egg and Sperm Freezing Procedures

Who is recommended egg and sperm freezing?

Today, the patient group we recommend most is those who have been diagnosed with cancer and should receive chemotherapy . Because after receiving chemotherapy treatment at a young age , some cells can be damaged irreversibly. If young men and women will receive chemotherapy , that is, if a treatment will be started that will affect the eggs and sperm, sperm and egg freezing must be provided beforehand. This creates an important chance for them to have a child after chemotherapy treatments at a later age.

What is being discussed at scientific congresses as technology advances rapidly for the health of the future?

Today, the fastest developing technology in in vitro fertilization is in the field of genetics. There are advanced methods for screening genetic diseases, diagnosing and obtaining healthy children. Methods that enable faster detection are also developing every day. Today, there is a method that we call Crispr , which has just been heard in the world. With the Crispr method, treatment of the individual may be possible in the embryo carrying the disease or after the birth. So we will have a chance to treat a sick embryo. Until now, we aimed to select the healthy embryo from the sick embryos and transfer it to the mother. With the implementation of this technology, the treatment of the sick embryo will be possible.

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