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What is Pedodontics?

Pedodontist is the specialist dentist who performs all kinds of dental treatment and preventive dentistry applications applied to children from birth until the age of 12-13 when all the milk teeth in the mouth complete their changes and who have received special training on this subject, and this specialty of dentistry is called Pedodontics.

What is the Purpose of Pedodontics?

The primary purpose of pedodontics is to treat the problems that have arisen, but to find the source of these problems and take measures to prevent them from occurring. The procedures applied for this purpose are called Preventive Dentistry.

Preventive dentistry includes regulating nutritional habits, correcting wrong eating habits, providing training on oral and dental hygiene, procedures that can be applied to teeth such as local fluoride and fissure sealant, and regular controls.

Importance of Milk Teeth

In our country, milk teeth are not given importance by most individuals because they are teeth that change when the time comes. However, due to the loss of milk teeth in the early period, more serious problems are encountered in the future. For this reason, it is necessary to know the importance and functions of milk teeth very well.

The primary task of milk teeth is to ensure that the child is properly fed. In addition, the proper development of speech also depends on the presence of milk teeth. Milk teeth protect the area they cover for the permanent tooth that will replace them and guide it while the permanent tooth is erupting.

When the primary tooth is lost in the early period, this natural place-holding function also disappears. The caries formed in the milk teeth create foci of infection in the child, and also make feeding difficult. Loss of milk teeth can negatively affect the appearance and speech of the child, and psychological problems may occur in the child.

Service Categories
Get the treatment you are looking for with our specialist doctors working in our state-of-the-art facilities!
Contact our expert team and plan your treatment process with the most suitable options for your needs!
We plan your treatment with our specialist doctors and create a roadmap. The information you talked with our call center is shared with our doctors. Our doctors determine the most suitable treatment for you and the most suitable hospital for your treatment. Our doctors will perform the procedures at the hospital of their choice at the mutually agreed date and time. Your treatment process is planned by our doctors.
We welcome you from the airport with our VIP vehicles. We provide transportation to the hospital or hotel according to your treatment program. We organize your transportation between the hotel and the hospital during your entire treatment, and when your treatment is completed, we drop you off at the airport to return to your country. Thanks to this service, you are protected from transportation-related security problems or extra unwanted costs.
Don't worry about questions such as “where I will stay during treatment?”. We welcome you to our contracted hotels and make you feel comfortable. We have 4 star and 5 star hotel options according to your budget, and we have furnished residences for long treatment plans. When you benefit from our all-inclusive concept, you will always arrive at your treatment on time, as we will also organize the transportation between the hospital and the hotel, as we have determined the place where you will stay.